Postnatal and breastfeeding outpatient clinics in the districts of Traunstein and BGL
Book an appointment with a postpartum outpatient clinic in your area.
- Consultation hours every Monday from 12:30 to 14:30 at the Traunstein Health Department, Room E.42, Herzog-Friedrich-Str. 6, 83278 Traunstein
Berchtesgadener Land:
in weekly rotation
- 1 week office hours Wednesday from 09 -13:00 in the midwife practice “New Life”, Jechlinger Str. 18, 83454 Anger
- 1 week consultation hours Thursday from 09-13:00 in the practice for gynecology & obstetrics in the Kreisklinik Freilassing, Vinzentiusstr. 56, 83395 Freilassing
Team BGL
- Consultation hours every Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the Trostberg social room, Vormarkt 2a – 4, 83308 Trostberg (from 06.09.2022)
- from 30.04.24 at Traunsteiner Str. 4, 83308 Trostberg
Team Trostberg
General information about the visit
Please appearing on time and bring to each visit:
- valid health insurance card
- Maternity log
- Children’s examination booklet
- Handover sheet from the clinic or other midwife (if available)
- Towel / changing mat
- fresh diapers
- FFP2 mask
You can book your appointment directly up to 24 hours in advance using the form below:

Central telephone numbers for short-term appointments (on-call service):
In acute cases, after prior telephone consultation with the midwife on duty and if appointments are available, you can also visit the postnatal and breastfeeding outpatient clinic on the same day.
The respective locations can be reached at the following telephone numbers and office hours:
Postnatal outpatient clinic BGL (on a weekly basis!):
- Anger: Wednesday, 08 a.m. to 1 p.m. (07.02., 21.02., etc.)
- Freilassing: Thursday 08 a.m. to 1 p.m. (15.02., 29.02., etc.)
Phone number: 0151 23369673
Postnatal outpatient clinic Traunstein:
- every Monday, 12:00 to 14:30
Phone number: 0175 9463856
Postpartum outpatient clinic Trostberg:
- Tuesday, 08:30 to 10:45 a.m.
Phone number: 0175 9463856
The telephone number and telephone consultation hours are exclusively for short-term appointments. To make an appointment 24 hours or more in the future, please use the appointment booking service on the homepage (above). Thank you very much.